Shannon Houlihan

Mom, daughter, friend, runner, volunteer!
Likes: Being outdoors, spending time with family and friends, coffee, warm weather and sunshine
Dislikes: Bundling up and being cold
After graduating from Baylor University with Finance and Management Information Systems degrees in 2000, Shannon was a commercial lender in the banking industry before becoming a teacher and then an office manager. She is a native Texan but has lived and worked all over the US with her husband, Drew, and their teenagers, Hayden and Hadley; they currently reside in Charlotte, North Carolina. In Shannon’s spare time she volunteers as a guide for individuals who are blind/visually impaired in the sport of triathlon. n
Likes: Being outdoors, spending time with family and friends, coffee, warm weather and sunshine
Dislikes: Bundling up and being cold
After graduating from Baylor University with Finance and Management Information Systems degrees in 2000, Shannon was a commercial lender in the banking industry before becoming a teacher and then an office manager. She is a native Texan but has lived and worked all over the US with her husband, Drew, and their teenagers, Hayden and Hadley; they currently reside in Charlotte, North Carolina. In Shannon’s spare time she volunteers as a guide for individuals who are blind/visually impaired in the sport of triathlon. n