to complete your registration BELOW
Please note, EACH MEMBER of a Love Box Group must register separately and sign the Liability and Confidentiality Waiver.
This one-time fee covers processing paperwork and training required by Dallas-Ft. Worth Angels for the Love Box group, and is paid for by the leaders or co-leaders to be matched with a family. In addition, it may be used toward the needs assessment with the family, boxes for “Love Box” care packages, and administrative costs. The Love Box Group Member Registration is for group members who are financial contributors to the Love Box group to complete their Liability and Confidentiality form. Groups who are individuals or single family households would not have Love Box group members and therefore need to only complete the "Love Box Leader Program Fees" portion.
This one-time fee covers processing paperwork and training required by Dallas-Ft. Worth Angels for the Love Box group, and is paid for by the leaders or co-leaders to be matched with a family. In addition, it may be used toward the needs assessment with the family, boxes for “Love Box” care packages, and administrative costs. The Love Box Group Member Registration is for group members who are financial contributors to the Love Box group to complete their Liability and Confidentiality form. Groups who are individuals or single family households would not have Love Box group members and therefore need to only complete the "Love Box Leader Program Fees" portion.